.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 GNOME Foundation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-3.0-or-later ===================== Project configuration ===================== Projects using gi-docgen should provide their own configuration file to describe how to generate their API reference. The configuration file format uses `ToML `__ to provide key and value pairs that will be used by gi-docgen and, optionally, by the templates themselves. Project configuration takes precendence over gi-docgen's defaults, but can be overridden by command line options, where applicable. Standard sections and keys -------------------------- The ``library`` section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``library`` section is used to define the library configuration values that gi-docgen will pass to the templates, as well as configuration switches that control the files generated by gi-docgen. The following keys are used, if found: ``version`` = ``s`` The version of the library. This is the actual version of the shared library, as opposed to the version of the API as represented by the namespace. ``authors`` = ``s`` The name of the authors of the library, as a string. ``license`` = ``s`` The license of the documentation, as an `SPDX identifier `__. ``website_url`` = ``s`` The website for the library. ``browse_url`` = ``s`` The website that can be used to browse the source code of the library. ``logo_url`` = ``s`` The location of a logo image. This can be a local file, or a URL. ``description`` = ``s`` A short description of the library. ``dependencies`` = ``dict(s, dict(s, s))`` A dictionary of dependencies; each entry in the dictionary has a key in the form of ``{namespace}-{version}``, and values in the form of a dictionary with the following keys: ``name``, ``description``, and ``docs_url``. Each entry in the this dictionary can only describe a namespace included in the introspection data; any other namespace listed here will be ignored. See the ``related`` configuration below. ``related`` = ``dict(s, dict(s, s))`` A dictionary of related namespaces; each entry in the dictionary has a key in the form of ``{namespace}-{version}``, and values in the form of a dictionary with the following keys: ``name``, ``description``, and ``docs_url``. Each entry in this dictionary can describe a namespace that is related to the project. ``devhelp`` = ``b`` Whether gi-docgen should generate a DevHelp file for the namespace. ``search_index`` = ``b`` Whether gi-docgen should generate a search index file for the namespace. ``docs_url`` = ``s`` The website that will provide this documentation. The ``theme`` section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``theme`` section is used to define the theme being used by gi-docgen when generating the API reference of a project. The following keys are used, if found: ``templates_dir`` = ``s`` The directory that contains the templates to be used by gi-docgen. The default directory is inside the gi-docgen module directory. This key can be overridden by the ``--templates-dir`` command line argument. ``name`` = ``s`` The name of the template to use. The name is a sub-directory of the ``template_dir`` directory, and will be used to load the template's configuration file. This key can be overridden by the ``--theme-name`` command line argument. ``show_index_summary`` = ``b`` A boolean value that controls whether to show the summary of each symbol in the namespace index. ``show_class_hierarchy`` = ``b`` A boolean value that controls whether to generate a class graph with the ancestors of a type, as well as the implemented interfaces. Requires the ``dot`` utility from `GraphViz `__ installed in the ``PATH``. The ``source-location`` section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``source-location`` section is used to define the location of the source code repository of a project to allow gi-docgen to create links from the API reference to the definition of symbols and the source of the documentation stanzas. The following keys are used, if found: ``base_url`` = ``s`` The base URL for accessing a file in the source code repository. ``file_format`` = ``s`` The format string used to point to a file, and a line in that file; the string can contain the token ``{filename}``, which will be replaced with the basename of the file; and the token ``{line}``, which will be replaced with the line in the file. The default value for this key is: ``{filename}#L{line}``. The ``extra`` section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``extra`` section is used to define additional content used when generating the API reference of a project. The following keys are used, if found: ``content_files`` = ``list(s)`` A list of tuples. The first element of the tuple is a Markdown file name, relative to the directories specified by the ``--content-dir`` command line arguments; the second element of the tuple is the title used for the link to the content file. When generating the API reference, gi-docgen will transform the Markdown file into an HTML one, using the same pre-processing filters applied to the documentation blocks found in the introspection data. The generated HTML files will be placed in the root directory of the namespace. ``content_images`` = ``list(s)`` A list of files, relative to the directories specified by the ``--content-dir`` command line arguments. The files will be copied in the root directory of the namespace. ``urlmap_file`` = ``s`` Path of a JavaScript file that defines the mapping from namespaces to url prefixes for resolving links to external symbols, as a JavaScript map with the name `baseURLs`: :: baseURLs = [ [ 'Pango', 'https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/pango/Pango/' ], [ 'PangoCairo', 'https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/pango/PangoCairo/' ], ] Symbol overrides ---------------- Visibility ~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to override the visibility of types, properties, and symbols in the introspection data from within the project configuration file. The following example will hide the type ``Protected``: :: [[object]] name = "Protected" hidden = true The type will be skipped when generating the API reference and the search index. This annotation applies to all possible top-level types: - aliases - bitfields - callbacks - classes - domains - enums - functions - function macros - interfaces - records - unions The ``object`` key is always an array of dictionaries; each element in the array can have a ``name`` key, used to match the object name exactly; or a ``pattern`` key, which uses a regular expression to match the object name. Each object can contain the following keys: - ``name``: the name of the symbol to match exactly - ``pattern``: a regular expression to match the symbol name - ``hidden``: whether the symbol should be hidden from the documentation - ``check_ignore``: whether the symbol should be skipped when checking the documentation Each element can also have the following sections: - ``property`` - ``signal`` - ``constructor`` - ``method`` - ``function`` Each one of these sections can contain array of objects. The following example will hide the ``backend`` property on the ``Printer`` type: :: [[object]] name = "Printer" [[object.property]] name = "backend" hidden = true The following example will hide the ``private-changed`` signal on the ``StyleProvider`` type: :: [[object]] name = "StyleProvider" [[object.signal]] name = "private-changed" hidden = true The following example will skip the ``quark`` function on the ``ParserError`` type when checking the documentation: :: [[object]] name = "ParserError" [[object.function]] name = "quark" check_ignore = true